ASSIST Modules
A.S.S.I.S.T. (A Supplemental Strategic Intervention with Sub-TEKS) is a series of high yield lessons that provide all students access to rigorous, on level content through targeted learning experiences that will support campuses in achieving Student Achievement, School Progress, Closing the Gaps, and CCMR goals.
The mission of Readiness Set Go! is to support students’ success in mastering the TEKS to support STAAR, and the TSIA2 to support CCMR.
ASSIST Modules are ready to serve Secondary Mathematics, Grades 6 - 8, Algebra 1 and TSIA2.
Apply seamlessly to support students at their level.
Implementation assistance available.
The lessons are highly structured around the TEKS for STAAR and TSIA2 for CCMR.
Founded on the Doctrine of No Surprises!
Components of a
Full Lesson
Components of a Module
Three Full Lessons are highly structured around the tested standards and unpacked into "Sub-Goals" based on their content elements and the way they are tested on STAAR (for modules 6-8, Algebra 1) and on the TSIA2 (for CCMR). Use for Small Group Instruction, Targeted Whole Group Instruction, Stations and Tutoring.
Two Module Assessments assess the different ways the standard is tested. These 10-question assessments can be used as a Pre-Assessment to identify need and a Post-Assessment to measure growth and inform instruction. The assessments also include Assessment Analyses so students can monitor their own learning.
Components of a Full Lesson
Three Per Module
Micro-Lessons are short, chunked standards-aligned focus lessons for targeted instruction.
Mathematical Problems Practices were designed for students to acquire skills required for solving mathematical problems aligned to the standards tested on STAAR and TSIA2.
Real World Problems Practices were designed for students to master the process standards and apply skills to solve real-world problems aligned to the standards and rigor of STAAR and TSIA2.
Micro-Assessments are short, formative assessments designed to check for understanding of the learning targets within each lesson.